Jingle Bells in Reverse

The Gloves are Off Daily Funnies Jingle Bells in Reverse

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  • Author
    • #276743
    • #425163

      You are a mean mean person. 😉 🙂

    • #425164

      LOL, I just thought this was funny.:angel4:

    • #425170

      I don’t know if I’ll be the same now–11:06 pm and now wide awake… Heart still knocking hard… Thought I was going to bed…

      So So you are lollll…

    • #425176

      hahahahahaahha :119: scared the chit out of my dog- he was watching the screen closely. Very Damn Funny. hahahahaha:082:


    • #425182
      Janice Terrell

      Can’t you just imagine going in stores at Christmas time and hearing this song. It will never be the same!!!!

    • #428468

      this scared me to pieces!!!! but now i’m laughing… of course it doesn’t help that i’m watching instant tv (on netflix) on my pc…

      & i’ve got ear plugs in! whoooo weeee! that gave me chills!!!!

    • #429687

      Ohhh my. I am still a little shook up from this! Hahaha, scared the heck out of me!

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The Gloves are Off Daily Funnies Jingle Bells in Reverse