ISO Soap ball recipe using soap chips

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List ISO Soap ball recipe using soap chips

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    • #261916

      I just drop the pieces into a bit of hot water .. they get soft and mushy so pull out before its mushy .. then pack together like a snowball ..

      or use the tupperware hamburger press and a cookie cutter

      Ria in Maine

      On 8/19/08, Consuelo's Tupperware Store[/b] <> wrote:

      While merging households because my mother's health has declined due to sarcoidosis, I've come across bags of soap chips. When the bar of soap has been reduced to too small to use, she places it into the bag and opens a new bar of soap and the cycle continues. When I was little I made a ball of soap from soap chips but I can't remember how I did it.

      I just remember it was colorful with green zest, pink camey and white ivory.

      Can someone please send me a recipe so my daughter and I can make soap balls?

      Thank you

      list owner of :

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List ISO Soap ball recipe using soap chips