ISO of Frankaroni skillet Recipe

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List ISO of Frankaroni skillet Recipe

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    • #253487

      Years ago (at least 10) I use to make a recipe that came out of one of

      those pasta recipe flyers called Frank-a-Roni Skillet. It had weiners,

      macaroni, cream of something soup, mustard, pickle relish and other

      ingredients in it.

      When we moved out here 10 years ago my mil helped us move and deemed the

      recipe a piece of trash and threw it out. Now my dh is constantly after

      me to make this frugal dish and of course I cannot remember all the

      ingredients or portions.

      Does anyone have this recipe? Jan who figures his Mom owes him the

      recipe since she threw it out in OK

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List ISO of Frankaroni skillet Recipe