Is signature link allowed?

Board Rules & Regs Tech Support Is signature link allowed?

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    • #351127

      I looked through the FAQ’s and saw where a link can be included in signatures as long as it’s not a competitor’s site, etc., but that it needs to be an approved link. How do I go about getting my blog link approved? And is there a way to make clickable links in posts or signatures?

    • #460198

      @Amalgamate 681144 wrote:

      I looked through the faq’s and saw where a link can be included in signatures as long as it’s not a competitor’s site, etc., but that it needs to be an approved link. how do i go about getting my blog link approved? and is there a way to make clickable links in posts or signatures?

      all signature links are considered advertising. those rates are available here.

      The link that you are referring to that is permitted is located in your user profile in the user control panel (UserCP), which is accessible in the top right hand corner of every page and also in the bottom footer (left hand side) of every page. These links must be to a personal or family page/site/blog that does not sell any products or services. Any link that sells products or services is considered a business page and advertising rates apply.

      Please let us know if you have any other questions!

    • #460230

      @Amalgamate 681144 wrote:

      I looked through the faq’s and saw where a link can be included in signatures as long as it’s not a competitor’s site,

      i don’t think it has anything to do with “competition” it’s whether or not you’re trying to sell something or use budget101 to advertise your own site.

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Board Rules & Regs Tech Support Is signature link allowed?