intro, and credit card wrangling question

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List intro, and credit card wrangling question

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    • #250627

      I’ve been doing this for over 3 years since we had kids and cut our
      income. It’s been working out good for me. But you have to be really
      organized and read all the fine print.

      I’m good a juggling money, and
      i do mean juggling! We’ve had a balance almost for 4 years and have
      not paid any interest or balance transfer fees. We’ve even
      used “special rate” deals for building and business puposes where
      more conventioal loans would have cost us at least 4% in interest. It
      helped that we had a really good credit rating to start with.

      haven’t seen any negative effect on our credit rating by all this
      transfering. Our rating is 839 out of 850 currently. It is true that
      if you have lots of open credit you may hurt your chances at a
      conventional loan.

      But i’ve been able to avoid having to get a
      convetional loan by using the special rates. I’ve kept alot of cards
      open and a few months before my 0% runs out i’ll go and call my other
      credit cards and negotiate with them for a 0% rate with no transfer
      fee. I always find one that says yes.

      It’s really helped us out when
      we have an emergency like the trans going out on the van $1700 we
      didn’t have but were able to pay for with a credit card and have
      money in the bank earning interest that was borrowed off a credit
      card at 0% with no fees. If you have the time and are really
      organized and can keep track of everything it’s worth doing.
      Cindy in MI
      — In, “bootkiller”
      > I do have a question about managing credit card debt. I had this
      idea of continually transferring the debt from one card to another,
      > taking advantage of the zero-percent introductiory APR offers.

      just keep throwing money at it and bouncing it around every few
      > months until it went away

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List intro, and credit card wrangling question