Inexpensive wedding favors

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Inexpensive wedding favors

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      Re: : Re: inexpensive wedding favors

      This is an idea that I had for my own wedding this fall. I’m asking all of the
      family members from both our families to provide me with the recipes of one of
      their “signature” dishes and I’m composing a small cook book in Microsoft Word.
      I’m spiffing it up with some clip art. I’m sizing it so that I can fit four
      pages on one 8×11 sheet of paper.

      Then I’ll just staple them together and write
      a little poem on the back cover and put our names and wedding date on the front.
      This way, everyone in the family on both sides will have the recipes to hand
      down. 🙂

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Inexpensive wedding favors