Inexpensive wedding favors

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Inexpensive wedding favors

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      I have a pretty extensive list accumulated. Some
      really neat ideas in there, but some more work than

      Hope it helps! Good luck!


      Heart Cookies
      Bake 4×4 inch heart sugar cookies and dip half of the
      heart in white chocolate and put your (soon-to-be)
      first initial of my last name in the middle of the
      cookie. Then wrap the cookie in a clear bag and tie it
      with a silver ribbon. All this for about $1.00!!!

      Watering Can
      A small galvanized tin watering can (found at local
      discount store for 99 cents each) that is just the
      right size to place a votive candle inside. Then, tie
      a small ribbon around the watering can handle to
      spruce it up. Printed up some labels with names and
      the date on them onto clear labels and will put those
      directly onto the watering cans.
      Another option is to wrap Hershey’s hugs and kisses in
      tulle and tie them with ribbon.

      Make little tags for
      the handle that say ?Hugs and Kisses from the new Mr.
      and Mrs.?.

      Tea Light Holders
      Get small glass tea light holders and put scented tea
      lights (in your wedding color(s) & without the tin
      holder). Wrap it in a tulle circle and tie it with a
      gold ribbon with a tag with your names on it. It looks
      great and costs under a buck!

      Chocolate Heart Lollipops [can use other molds like
      wedding bells or bride and groom]
      All you need to do is melt down chocolate, use a candy
      mold, put in a sucker stick, freeze–and viola!! Just
      put it into a plastic bag and tie with a ribbon. Add a
      homemade label or tag if desired.

      This can be done
      months in advance and all of the supplies are at a
      craft store.

      Gummi Bears (or any other candies you like)
      Purchase the little boxes truffles usually come in,
      buy a couple 5 pound bags of gummis and package them
      up with an embossed ribbon (or ribbon and tag). Total
      cost is around $30 for 100 favors

      “Hugs and Kisses”
      Cute, inexpensive and easy to make. What you need:
      Netting ( that either matches or compliments your
      wedding colors) ribbon (you can do personalized ribbon
      with your names & date), Hershey Hugs, Hershey Kisses
      and some nice paper. First, take 2 “hugs” & 2 “kisses”
      and put them in the netting.

      Next tie it off with the
      ribbon but make sure that you leave a little extra
      (don’t make a bow yet). On your computer you can make
      little cards that say “Hugs & Kisses from the New Mr.
      & Mrs. ….”. Punch a hole in the top left corner and
      slip on ribbon, and tie and fasten with a bow.

      Hugs & Kisses in a Spoon
      As an alternative to the “Hugs & Kisses” idea, put the
      Hershey’s Kisses and Hugs treats in plastic spoons and
      wrap them in tulle with a note stating, “A spoonful of
      kisses from the Mr. & Mrs.”

      [This person had daises for her wedding flowers, but
      you can use any seed that goes with yours].
      Make small organza pouches, fill them with daisy
      seeds, and attach the pouch to a small card with
      colored ribbon.
      The card reads:
      He loves me, he loves me not;
      He loves me, we tied the knot!
      Names, Wedding date

      Wildflower Seeds
      [again, any packaged flower seeds can work]
      Give out beautifully packaged wildflower seeds. The
      seeds contain black-eyed susans, daisies, and other
      assorted flowers. One side of the seed packet has the
      actual seeds, while the other side has a beautiful
      poem written about how “…every year when the flowers
      bloom, think about your favorite bride and groom”.

      is simple, economical, and useful.

      Spring Flowers
      Buy flats of spring flowers… pansies, Johnny jump
      ups, marigolds etc. Separate each section, wrap with
      tulle, tie with ribbon (with or without printing) and
      place around candles in the center of each table.

      couple or person then takes a flower home with them to
      enjoy all summer long! Very inexpensive for a spring
      wedding and can be used as a centerpiece too!

      Personalized Hot Chocolate [this bride and groom?s fav
      Give everyone a personalized packet of hot chocolate
      with your picture, a thank you message, and your
      wedding date printed on them.
      Use a computer program to place a photo of the two of
      you on top of a background of snow-covered mountains.
      You can wear winter hats and coats. Make up a label on
      the computer with a thank you message and your wedding
      date. Glue label and picture onto a packet of hot

      (The hot chocolate costs 11 cents per

      Birdseed in Easter Eggs
      If the wedding is near Easter, put the birdseed in
      plastic Easter eggs. You can write on the outside of
      the egg your wedding date and your names with a gold
      craft pen. This is an easy and timesaving way to go.
      You get your birdseed and wedding favors done at the
      same time.

      It is colorful and cute for the wedding

      A very sentimental and very inexpensive favor is a
      bookmark. You can even make them at home. All you need
      is paper, a printer, string, and a picture (optional).
      You could also laminate them, but that’s your choice!
      Anyway, you could write things like this…
      “We thank you
      friends and neighbors
      And relatives so dear,
      For your congratulations
      And for your presence here.
      The memory of these happy hours
      You’ve shared with us today,
      Will linger on throughout the years
      And ever with us stay.”
      Then you can write your names with the wedding date

      Wedding Magnet
      Handmade wedding magnets make a great favor. Buy small
      wooden hearts (or other shapes you like) at the craft
      store and paint white. Add a bit of lace and a tiny
      silk rose to the front.

      Glue a 1 inch piece of
      magnetic tape to the back. These are easy and
      inexpensive to make (about 20 cents each)

      Bath Beads
      Purchase heart shaped bath beads in your wedding
      colors, place them in a white tulle circle, tie it
      with curling ribbon and attach a computer printed
      business type card with your names, the date, and a
      note to say thank you for celebrating with us. The
      favors cost about fifty cents each.

      Origami Decorations
      If you have the time and skill, check the library for
      origami books. Origami decorations can fit any theme.
      You can make origami boats, flowers, animals, etc. You
      can also have a paper folding party for the wedding

      Miniature Soaps
      Buy unscented glycerin soap blocks, melt them in the
      microwave (you can also use a double broiler) and add
      food coloring and essential oils. Chocolate candy
      molds are great for making soaps, but you can also use
      small paper cups and filled them with about 3/4 to 1
      inch of melted soap. The soap sets in 20 minutes- just
      tear away the paper cup, wrap in tissue or tulle, tie
      with a ribbon and you’re done.

      You can make about 30
      of these little soaps with 1 pound of glycerin soap
      (about $6)

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Inexpensive wedding favors