Inexpensive wedding favors

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Inexpensive wedding favors

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      Re: Inexpensive wedding favors

      That site has frugal wedding idea’s, including favors. The favor
      section is near the middle of the page, and goes all the way to the
      bottom. It has idea’s dealing with candy, ornaments, plants, seeds,
      candles, etc.

      Here are some of the cuter ones, I think:

      “My cousin’s son and his bride gave heart shaped cookie cutters
      attached to a recipe card. The card reads, ‘Truly cut out for each
      other’, and contained a recipe for sugar cookies followed by the
      words, ‘Enjoy while remembering the sweetness of our wedding day!’.”

      “Spawning Skye suggests for a spring or summer reception (especially
      if there are lots of kids attending), instead of throwing birdseed
      or rice is to print messages of love or your names and wedding date
      using your computer on business sized or smaller pieces of paper,
      roll them up, and stuff them into the balloons. Fill the balloons
      with helium. Use cheap ribbon from the craft store for balloon

      When the bride and groom come out of the church (or where
      ever the ceremony is held), everyone lets go of thier balloons to
      send the messages all over. Check with local authorities to make
      sure there is no law against it in your area. Balloons can be bought
      in bulk and you can rent a helium machine and fill the balloons the
      day of the wedding.”

      “From Linda: I discovered this idea by accident by using glass gems
      (those pretty colored glass shapes that many people use in vases).
      There are some options for the basic idea. Using a glue that will
      dry clear, glue the bride & groom’s name & the wedding date on the
      flat side so that when you look from the top of the gem you can read
      their names. You can print this up on your own computer using the
      same font from the homemade invitations.

      The larger clear gems also
      work great, but we found some heart shaped ones at Walmart & online.
      You can also make them into refridgerator magnets by glueing
      magnents to them. Scatter the fabors on the table along with some
      colored ones (or w/the snowflake or moon shapes if they go w/your
      theme) for decorations, but make sure that the guests know that the
      gems are for them to take home”

      Hope these help out!

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Inexpensive wedding favors