I love dollar general.. lol
i got shirts at mine this summer for 0.86 cents!!!! Nice dress shirts for dh and ds
i use coupins at mine as well. =) i have gotten some awesome deals this way as well !!
on tue, aug 19, 2008 at 10:30 PM, sarah_d_ann <sarah_d_ann@yahoo.com> wrote:
I know that with school starting right now, people don't want to think
about Christmas coming up but there are some great deals to be had for
kids at Dollar General if you have one in your area. They have books
(both the reading and the coloring type), videos (movies and cartoons),
small toys, and stocking stuffer type stuff for 90% off! I was able to
pick up some great deals and MUCH cheaper than even garage sale prices.
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind !
Michelle and Stephen in PA