Visit your local Sephora beauty counter to receive a free deluxe juicy beauty green apple peel sample. green apple peel is a highly effective, high-mineral, gentle aha enzyme peel delivers a spa quality treatment at home, thanks to the infusion of certified organic fruit juices and raw cane sugar. blended with 12 percent “real fruit” alpha hydroxy acids and enriched with the antioxidant benefits of vitamins A, C, and E, this gentle treatment dramatically improves skin tone, texture, and color, as it smoothes fine lines and boosts healthy cell turnover.
. Green Apple Peel is a highly effective, high-mineral, gentle AHA enzyme peel delivers a spa quality treatment at home, thanks to the infusion of certified organic fruit juices and raw cane sugar. Blended with 12 percent “real fruit” alpha hydroxy acids and enriched with the antioxidant benefits of vitamins A, C, and E, this gentle treatment dramatically improves skin tone, texture, and color, as it smoothes fine lines and boosts healthy cell turnover.
*Offer valid until 10/31/2009 or while supplies last. No purchase necessary in stores. Not available at Sephora stores which do not carry Juice Beauty, Sephora inside JCPenney or Sephora Canada stores.
Offer found in the October 2009 issue of Elle magazine.