Hi my goodness I found this site a couple of years ago, but promptly lost my computer ( it crashed) but lo and behold all of a sudden I get an email on the meal basket giveaway. I love this I am already a winner all those great ideas for gift baskets! I live in a rural area so I do a lot of canning and dehydrating .
I have a built in supply of material . I love the goodwill and salvation army so I can get baskets and different utensils and such cheap. With the economy the way it is I think meal gift baskets are a sensational idea!
In fact I am just loving this whole site. I am 63 years old and have been retired for a little over a year now and we are really feeling the money pinch. Although we have always lived frugally but I am just blown away from the wonderful info and ideas I am finding on this site.
I believe it is a gift from God.
Now if I can just come up with some inexpensive gift ideas for my grandchildren that would be fantastic, and I am sure I will.
I thank you all for your great ideas and recipes on this site, I hope to add some of my own recipes to the site as well.