Howdy & Wedding Question

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Howdy & Wedding Question

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    • #242129

      A inexpensive shower for a new bride is to invite guest to bring a
      dish with the recipe taped to the dish. The guest eat the food and the
      bride gets the dishes and recipes.

      Another inexpensive way to toss a shower is to buy cheese, crackers
      and thin sliced lunch meats. Have your kids roll the lunch meats, cut
      the cheeses plain or into shapes. Have crackers, tea, coffee and soda.

      To decorate the shower use pictures of her and her future husband when
      they were growing up.

      My neice was married last November, it seemed everytime I turned
      around someone was having some sort of a shower for her. I was going
      broke buying her gifts. So I ended up printing out recipes and budget
      tips. Saved me money and hopefully someday she will learn from the
      budget tips.

      Hope these ideas help.


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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Howdy & Wedding Question