Howdy & Wedding Question

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Howdy & Wedding Question

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    • #242136

      I have seen several successful showers in a park that were potluck.
      everyone brings a dish &(hopefully) they would consult with you, and
      you can coordinate to ensure you don’t have 3 potato salads, or
      whatever. You have some great advice I have already read.

      As for games I have a few suggestions, one being real simple;
      in a small bowl fill with one cup of white rice and 1 pack of
      the “VERY” small saftey pins (Usually gold in color) and while
      blindfolded, see who can pick out the most safety pins. Much harder
      than it sounds! Another would be to interview the bride and groom
      with the same questions (Like what first attracted you? What is his
      favorite movie, song, etc) and then ask the bride and see how many
      she can answer correctly. For every wrong answer she has to chew a
      piece of bubble gum (hopefully she only has one or two pieces total)
      and for every answer she gets right you could do something as simple
      as let her open a gift. (last time I saw it, the bride got a dollar
      for every correct answer). I imagine you can change it to suite…
      AND there is always the clothespins or safety pins every guest gets
      and cannot say a certain word, or cannot do something such as cross
      her legs…Very common game.

      The Dollar store has come along ways and also Target has a Dollar
      section now if you have one close by. Gifts can be as simple as
      cookies in a plastic bag and tied with ribbon, the guests are not
      there for the prizes, they are there for the bride. Focus on her!
      As for the decorations, if you have it at a park, you could go as
      simple as a few balloons. Especially if you are in a windy area, it
      would not be wise to do much more (thinking of past disasters at
      windy outdoor parties…ugh)
      As for invitations, you can do them nowadays on the printer and have
      them look very nice. Remember this is the shower and not the wedding!
      Good luck to you and hope you will come back and let us know how it

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Howdy & Wedding Question