How to Rust Cans and Pins- adding Rustic Flare!

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Crafts & Homemade Items How to Rust Cans and Pins- adding Rustic Flare!

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    • #391027
      Melissa Burnell

      “Old” items have a lot of value at craft fairs and sometimes when you want to age an item, it can be difficult or take too much time. Here’s how to Rust Cans and pins in about an hour.

      In a plastic pail combine:

      1 cup vinegar
      1 cup peroxide
      1-2 tsp regular salt

      add bells, safety pins, or whatever craft Item you want to “rust”, let sit for an hour, then drain and let air dry on old towels or newspapers.

      They rusted great!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Crafts & Homemade Items How to Rust Cans and Pins- adding Rustic Flare!