How to Make Paper (for beginners)

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Crafts & Homemade Items How to Make Paper (for beginners)

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    • #236199
      Melissa Burnell

      How to Make Paper (for beginners)
      You will need:
      Paper towels
      Old bath towels
      Blender or food processor
      Measuring cups
      Wire coat hanger
      Old stocking
      Torn pieces of plain paper – you will look at junk mail in
      new ways! Now is the time to recycle tissue paper, napkins,
      homework, construction paper, Kleenex, and even dryer lint.
      A friend of mine spends her evenings sorting scraps into piles
      based on color. She’s smart to do this so her colors don’t
      turn grey or brown.
      Optional materials include linters, an iron and paper press.

      As you gain
      confidence you can add dried flowers, coffee grounds, thread, embossing
      powders, glitter, spices, confetti, feathers, and just about anything that
      can be torn into small bits.
      Step 1 The Frame
      I made a frame by bending a wire coat hanger into a square shape bending the
      hook at a 90 degree angle for a handle. I covered it with an old stocking
      knotted at each end. This is crude but effective.
      Step 2 The Slurry
      Fill the blender with 1 cup water and 1/3 Cup of finely packed paper.

      allow my paper to soak for about an hour first.
      Step 3 The Couching Pan
      Fill a large with water about 2 – 3 inches deep. Place a piece of pellon on
      the frame to help facilitate removing the newly made piece of paper from the
      Step 4 Making the Paper
      Place a folded up old towel or stack of dry newspapers next to the pan. Pour
      the blended pulp – now called slurry onto the frame while in the pan.

      the pulp by swishing your fingers in the water or use a spatula, fork, or
      handy utensil.
      Step 5 Drying
      Raise the frame straight out of the water and place on a raised edge cookie
      sheet, to drain. Using a sponge, press firmly on top, wring it out and press
      again. Continue this process until you cannot wring out any more water from
      the sponge.

      Lifting the pellon, carefully place the paper on the towel or
      newspapers. Continue pressing a sponge over the surface. Carefully lift off
      the pellon.

      You can iron the paper until dry. By placing a thin cloth on top
      ironing until the paper is dry. A simple paper or flower press can also be
      used to dry the paper more slowly and give it a more pliable texture and
      smoother surface.

      Place the paper between absorbent newspaper or blotter
      sheets, changing fairly often. This method is best for giving a pliable,
      flat, smooth sheet of paper


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Crafts & Homemade Items How to Make Paper (for beginners)