how to make a Journal Jar ?

Holidays & Special Occasions Valentines Day how to make a Journal Jar ?

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    • #244484

      Does anyone know how to make a Journal Jar

      I’m new and would like to make some Journal Jars for valentines day
      to give out to family and friends.

    • #398464

      I dont know how, but I have heard about them, I would like to know how too!!

    • #407574

      Is that where you fill a jar with questions on strips of paper? Then ever night, you pull one out, read the question & journal about it. For example, if you make a journal jar for your mom, it could have questions like, “When did you first meet Dad?” “What was your favorite subject in school?” “What kind of activities did you like to do as a kid?”

      As a special gift, you could make a journal jar for someone and include a journal with it.

      Is this what you’re talking about? I hope this helps. 🙂

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Holidays & Special Occasions Valentines Day how to make a Journal Jar ?