how do you vacuum your wool rugs?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List how do you vacuum your wool rugs?

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    • #271885

      4 years ago when we purchased 2 room size wool area rugs we were told to not vacuum them with a rotary beater bar. So I have always vacuumed them with a canister and attachments. That was ok til we started keeping dd’s dog 75% of the time due to a new job and lots of travel .

      I have her so much that I think of her as my dog now. She’s a (mostly) husky and sheds a lot.

      I just feel like I’m not getting up all the dog hair without using my other vacuum which is a Bissel Pro-lite. I asked someone at the repair shop and was told it was perfectly fine to use it on wool rugs, that unless a rotary bar was used there was no way to get all the dog hair. My carpets are not the real expensive ones but cost enough for me to want to make them last.

      If you have wool rugs I would welcome your advice.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List how do you vacuum your wool rugs?