Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List HOT SOAK/ ACHING LEGS OR SHOULDERS RUB/HIVES REMEDY

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    • #250589

      hot soak

      (for sprained or aching muscles or joints)

      1 ounce rosemary
      1 gallon water
      1 ounce comfrey root

      Bring all ingredients to a boil in a large, flat pan. Turn off heat; let steep
      until just cool enough to use. If you can, insert sprained area into hot water
      and soak at least 5 minutes.

      Then immediately plunge it into Cold Soak for 2
      minutes. This liquid can also be used as a compress and the herbs can be applied
      as a plaster.

      aching legs or shoulders rub

      1 ounce oil of camphor
      4 ounces sweet almond or sesame oil

      Mix well. This is excellent if the skin feels itchy or dry. This will keep for
      several months if placed in an airtight bottle.

      hives remedy

      stinging nettle infusion
      1 cup water
      1 to 2 teaspoons powdered stinging nettle leaves and stems
      Honey and/or lemon, to taste

      Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. Add stinging nettle and remove from heat.
      Steep for 10 minutes, then strain. Add honey and/or lemon.

      Drink cool or reheat.
      If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor before using. Healthy adults
      may use up to 2 cups a day. Do not give nettle infusion to children under 2.

      giving the formula to older children and those over 65, use extra water to
      weaken the formula.

      Skin Treatment
      2 to 4 cups colloidal oatmeal
      1/2 to 1 cup baking soda
      1 to 2 cups powdered chamomile flowers

      Add oatmeal, baking soda and chamomile to bath water. Repeat as needed.

      God Bless You!

      “Not all who wander are lost.”- J.R.R. Tolkien


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List HOT SOAK/ ACHING LEGS OR SHOULDERS RUB/HIVES REMEDY