Hoppin’ John New Year

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    • #312807

      A Southern Tradition for New Year’s : Greens, black eyed peas, and ham/ bacon/ or hog jowl.

      1 cup cooked ham or cooked hog jowl-chopped
      1 cup onion-chopped
      2 garlic cloves-minced
      2 tbsp vegetable oil or bacon/hog jowl drippings-divided
      3 cups hot cooked rice
      1 can black eyed peas-rinsed and drained
      s and p – to taste
      4 cups green cabbage-shredded

      1. In a large skillet, cook ham/hog jowl, onion, and garlic in 1 tbsp oil or drippings until lightly browned.
      2. Stir in rice, peas, s and p.

      Cook until thoroughly heated. Remove from skillet.
      3. Add remaining oil or drippings into skillet.

      Add cabbage; saute until crisp tender.
      4. Add rice and saute 2-3 more minutes.
      5. Add pea mixture back to skillet and heat through.

      Transfer to a large serving platter and enjoy.

      *Instead of heating everything together in skillet, can heat separately and layer plate.

    • #435497
      Melissa Burnell

      @MrsPaws 260932 wrote:

      A Southern Tradition for New Year’s : Greens, black eyed peas, and ham/ bacon/ or hog jowl.

      This is a great thread too, we recently got invited to dinner on New Years and this is what’s on the Menu plan- a true Southern New Year, our first. What I didn’t realize was that each of the foods on the menu represents something in particular:

      • The Black Eyed Peas are for good luck, as they represent coins.
      • Cooked Greens (Cabbage or Collards) are also good luck as they represent folded money
      • Eating Pork is Good Luck on New Years because it’s a time to look Forward, not backwards (and pigs are incapable of turning their heads backwards to look behind them) Also, pigs represent prosperity therefor, the fatter the pig, the fatter your wallet in the coming year.
      • Cornbread- which is often served with hoppin john represents gold/wealth.
      • The only item missing is Sliced or stewed tomatoes, consumed for Health in the coming year!

      chillpill-1 Also, tradition says that you should NEVER do anything on New Years Day that you wouldn’t want to do ALL YEAR Long, because you set the pace for your New Year with what you do on New Years! aka, unless you want to spend all year doing laundry and housework, DONT do it on New years, lol

    • #435522

      I’ve not heard about the tomatoes for New Year’s, but since I need the health boost, I’m definitely gonna have them THIS year!
      Thanks for sharing the information about what each ingredient represents.

    • #435921

      I have heard that between Christmas and New Years, you are supposed to clean your house from top to bottom, declutter (give anything you don’t use or need to charity) and organize everything — so that everything is clean and bright (a place for everything, and everything in its place). When the old is gone and out of sight you have room for the New. (Out with the Old and In with the New!)

      No cleaning or housework (or work of any kind) is done on New Years Day. It is a day of play and reflection.

      I would love it if my entire house was cleaned between Christmas and New Years, (It is clean, just not cleaned from ceiling to floor, during that week.) maybe I should have asked for a housecleaning for Christmas.
      I have never had a New Years Day that work was not done, but then I enjoy cooking and baking so that is kinda like play instead of work (don’t ya think?).

      Thanks; Virginia

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Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes General Recipes Hoppin’ John New Year