honeymoon ideas

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events honeymoon ideas

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      My hubby and I took a cruise in January (which we saved for) and I doubt you can do it for under $2500. We did it as cheaply as we could. We got an inside cabin, no excursions that were being sold by the ship, no alcohol.

      Our roundtrip airplane tickets (Boise to Oakland to LA- $500) taxi transfer to Port Los Angles ($90 for a van that carried all 8 adults), cruise fare- $1300 for an inside (no windows,no balcony, very small, but we were just excited to be there) cabin. $300 on souvenirs and taxi’s at 3 Mexican ports (we didn’t do any tours, just took taxi’s into town and browsed the shops and markets. Ate lunch one day in Cabo San Lucus at a restaurant that the cruise line recommenced and it was pricey so every other day we stayed in town until lunch than returned to the ship).

      That $300 also includes pictures we bought, and two shirts and a bracelet on the ship. We sailed on Princess cruise lines and instead of you paying out tips (all the food is included in the price of the cruise) to the large group of people that serve you, they charge your stateroom $10 per person, per day. I actually liked that.

      But when we go again in 3 yrs (Panama Canal this time!!) I plan to take something extra for the waiters. All the hotel and foodservice staff work for tips and they treat you grandly.

      We drank no alcohol (a 15% tip was automatically added to each drink), did not gamble, didn’t buy any art, didn’t go to the spa (but would of loved a manicure and pedicure). We did buy a soda package that was unlimited sodas (sold off the bar normally) for $32.00.

      It is really easy on a cruise ship to tally up a big bill, especially since you hand them a credit card when you check in and than just charge everything to your state room (you can pay cash, but must put down a deposit).

      A honeymoon within driving distance of where you are would be so much cheaper (even with gas prices the way they are). Or even book a week at a swanky hotel in your town and don’t tell anyone where you will be. Honeymoons should be more about spending time together and getting to know one another better rather than a whirlwind vacation that leaves you dragging and bone weary.

      Teri Woods
      Wife of 1 and Mother of 5

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events honeymoon ideas