Homemade yogurt–tips, advice sought

Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Mixes~MYO~Copycat~Etc Homemade yogurt–tips, advice sought

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    • #238858

      HOme made yogurt

      When I make my yogurt, I don’t use dry milk. I use whole raw milk that
      I get from the local dairy..

      Here’s the recipes I have for yogurt.

      Basic Home made Yogurt

      1 quart whole milk
      1/3 cup nonfat dry milk (optional to produce a thicker texture)
      1 rounded tablespoon of plain yogurt or recommended quantity of powdered

      Combine and incubate per your machines instructions.

      Home made flavored yogurt.

      1 quart whole milk.
      1/4 to 1/3 cup sugar, honey, maple syrup, chocolate syrup, malt,
      molasses, or artifical sweetener.
      1/3 cup instant nonfat dry milk (optional.)
      1 rounded tablespoon plain yogurt or recommended quantity of powdered
      Fruit or flavorings.

      Scald 1 quart of milk and stir in 1/4 to 1/3 cup desired sweetener. If
      other flavors are desired, after dissolving the sugar or honey, stir in
      1 tablespoon of extract, such as vanilla, lemon, almond, or peppermint,
      or instant coffee. Or ad 1 tspn ground cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, ginger,
      or try your own combinations.

      Add instant nonfat milk. Cool mixture to
      110 degrees F and stir in culture. Poor into warm containers, cover,
      and incubate.

      For jam, preserve, or peanut butter flavors, put 1 Tablespoon of the
      flavorings into the bottom of 1 cup containers and pour warm milk-yogurt
      mixture into container. Cover and incubate as usual.

      If fresh, canned, or dried fruit is desired, it is best to make such
      additions to the yogurt after it is incubated. The acid content of some
      fruits can curdle the milk-yogurt mixture and prevent proper fermentation.

      Whenever you are flavoring yogurt, always remember to leave one cup
      plain so that you will have fresh starter for the next batch.

      I do not claim credit for these instructions. They were passed to me a
      long time ago and I can not remember who gave them to me or the source
      of these instructions.

      Hope they help.

      Angela in OK

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Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Mixes~MYO~Copycat~Etc Homemade yogurt–tips, advice sought