HomeMade Ricotta Cheese

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      Ricotta Cheese

      1 gallon whole milk or skim (1 gal. whole milk = about 1lb cheese)

      white vinegar or fresh lemon juice

      a large colander lined with fine cheesecloth. butter muslin is
      preferred, or some other substitute, a ham bag or jelly bag will work
      just fine.

      Put the milk in a large, non-reactive sauce pan and heat slowly to
      200 degrees, stirring to prevent it scorching on the bottom. When the
      milk is hot enough, add about 1/4 cup of vinegar or lemon juice. If
      the milk is really at 200 degrees, it will instantly curdle, the milk
      protein and fat separating from the water in smallish white blobs and
      foam. If this does not happen, keep heating. Use a thermometer, dairy
      or candy works fine, but some of them are not quite accurate. If you
      put the vinegar in when the milk is close to the correct temperature,
      as soon as it reacts, you know it is done. It is not necessary to
      continue heating once the reaction occurs, however, you will want to
      let it sit for a few minutes, with an occasional stir.

      Place your lined colander in the sink, drain open please, and
      carefully pour the entire contents (DO NOT skim anything off) of the
      pot into it. Take your time, and allow the water to drain through the
      cheesecloth. It will go pretty quickly if you have used butter
      muslin. If it goes too quickly and nothing is left behind, you will
      know that your cheesecloth is too coarse and your cheese has gone
      down the drain! Do not despair, this has happened to many experienced
      cheese makers, just get finer cheesecloth and try again.

      Assuming that all goes well, allow the ricotta to drain and cool
      until you can handle the cheesecloth comfortably. Gather the ends of
      the cloth up and tie into a bag which must be suspended over the sink
      until it stops dripping. You can hang it on the faucet or drape it
      from a wooden spoon laid across the sink, whatever works. The ricotta
      will be finished draining in about an hour and be ready to use in any
      recipe that calls for this type of cheese. You can add a bit of salt
      if you like. Of, if the cheese is to be used in a desert, add a
      little cream and mix in well to make a richer product.

      If you are not going to use the cheese immediately, pack into a
      container and either refrigerate or freeze. This cheese freezes well
      and will always be available that way. It keeps in the fridge a few

      One way to use milk that is starting to go over is to make ricotta
      from it. If you don’t have a full gallon, just reduce the vinegar a
      bit – this is not critical, however, too much won’t hurt. The only
      real difference is that you will get less cheese from less milk. Any
      cheese at all is better than pouring milk down the drain.

      Written by Pamela Matlack

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Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Mixes~MYO~Copycat~Etc HomeMade Ricotta Cheese