homemade deoderant & antiperspirants

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List homemade deoderant & antiperspirants

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    • #259543

      after seeing that 8 ingredients used in most deoderants are banned to

      to toxidity & causing diseases are still used in most store bought

      brands i went on a search: this is what i found: there is a product

      called crystal which is used world wide & recommended for folks esp who

      have had breast cancer; it can be found in “rock” form, or usual

      dispensers; it is 100% pure & info can be found at http://www.crystal.com; it

      will run you apoximately $7 for the year! Also: for antiperspirant

      simply put 3% hydrogen peroxide under the arms; for spray deoderant:

      use small spray bottle; add water & as much baking soda as you can cram

      into container without clogging up the spray head; works 24 hours or

      more! or you can use dry by simply putting either all baking soda only;

      or 1/2 baking soda AND 1/2 corn starch under arms; Which ever is your

      preference you will: save $, not have “disposable” plastics to add to

      landfills! (why does no one make refills even for the crystal

      deoderants?) & save your health!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List homemade deoderant & antiperspirants