I just made a couple of things by myself that I am going to make more of and use for Christmas gifts.
I love to work with denim and like to recycle people’s castaways.
I have been making hotpads for years and finally one person brought me her father’s bluejeans. He had past away and she wanted me to make hotpads out of them for her relatives to remember her dad by. At the time I could not think of anything to make for the men. I did finally come up with a cross bookmark, but I didn’t feel like that really fit what I wanted for a man.
This fall, I needed a new cover for my Bible so I made one out of the denim and it came out really nice. Next I made a checkbook cover, I put a white lace appliqu? on it and it is beautiful. This year my children will be getting check book covers made out of their dad’s old blue jeans with an appliqu? from my old wedding dress (50 years old).
Hope this inspires someone to make something from an old garment from the family.