Home Made SPORT Drinks

Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Mixes~MYO~Copycat~Etc Home Made SPORT Drinks

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    • #239254

      This is a link for a sports drink. I copied most of it below.
      Cindy in al
      sports drink recipes
      from wendy bumgardner,
      your guide to walking.
      free newsletter. sign up now!
      it is very important to replace lost salts and water when walking.

      anytime you
      walk for more than an hour, think of drinking a salt-replacement sports drink in
      addition to water.
      sugar and salt help you absorb and retain the water to prevent dehydration, as
      well as replenish the salt to prevent hyponatremia (low blood sodium), both of
      which conditions can send you to the hospital on a long hot walk. the goal is up
      to 7% sugar concentration (glucose or sucrose are preferred) and salt of 1-2
      grams per liter. Higher sugar content, above 8%, may actually slow water

      Cost:Here is where the big savings come in, these are about 6 cents for a 20
      ounce sports bottle’s worth, a whopping savings over the $1 or so you will pay
      for a bottle of Gatorade or Powerade at the store.

      Basic Sports Drink
      . 1 quart (32 oz) or 1 liter water
      . 1/3 cup sugar

      1/4 teaspoon table salt
      . Flavoring to taste – orange juice, lemon juice, etc.
      Keep refrigerated.

      20-Oz. Sports Bottle’s Worth of Sports Drink
      . 3 tablespoons table sugar

      1/8 teaspoon table salt
      . Flavoring to taste – orange juice, lemon juice, unsweetened Kool-Aid or
      Wyler’s drink mix, etc. Suggest trying 2-3 tablespoons of juice or 1/3 packet of
      unsweetened Kool-Aid.

      Fill halfway with water, mix well.
      . Top off with water.
      Keep refrigerated.

      Your Own Powdered Sports Drink
      I like to take along sports drink powder and mix it up with water from a water
      fountain, etc. when out on my long walks, after drinking my first sports bottle
      of plain water.
      . 9 tablespoons table sugar

      3/8 teaspoon table salt
      . 1 packet unsweetened Kool-Aid or other drink mix.
      Mix dry.
      Portion 1/3 of the mixture into each of three ziplock bags.
      To reconstitute, add contents of 1 bag to a 20-oz. sports bottle.

      Fill halfway
      with water, mix, and fill with water, mix again.

    • #428141

      My Grandpa has to drink these sports drinks instead of water to keep his salt levels straight…..but he is diabetic…..can these be made with splenda??

    • #430870

      once I made the basic sports drink, my dh stopped asking for canned drinks. !!! this move alone saved us a bunch of money.

      so everyday he can have a different flavor. he loves it! thanks for posting, and helping me make my dh feel special and the kids too.

      god bless you!

    • #433332

      Thanks so much for this post. I love sports drinks but do not like all the “other” ingredients in them.

    • #433354

      Thanks for sharing…Question…Are these good for kids? My Oldest is 15…was wondering if he could drink these..He would so love these..Thanks

    • #445555

      I keep my grandchildren after school and they are very active. They love the 20oz packets they put into their water bottle. Great for Texas hot summers.

    • #450479

      Is potassium provided by the fruit juice? Otherwise, I’d say maybe cut the salt half-and-half with salt substitute made with potassium chloride.

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Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Mixes~MYO~Copycat~Etc Home Made SPORT Drinks