Home made broth… for free…. and super easy…

Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Left Over Layering Home made broth… for free…. and super easy…

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    • #236520
      Melissa Burnell

      Save all vegetable peelings from carrots, onions and celery to make into the
      most delicious broth!

      Simply wash the vegetable before peeling and then peel your vegetable(for
      whatever recipe you are preparing).

      Keep a large container in your freezer into which you can continually add these
      vegetable peelings. When the container is full dump into a large pan, cover
      with water, bring to a boil and then simmer for 1 -1 1/2 hours. Strain and you
      have an absolutely FREE vegetable broth…don’t pay $$$ for canned broth when
      you can have a more flavorful (the most intense flavor of the vegetable is in
      the peel) broth that is also more nutritious, quick and easy.

    • #401803

      I used to buy chicken broth by the can at $.50 each, I now just make my own

      I use 3 chicken theighs, carrots, onion, red bell pepper, sage, salt and pepper, garlic, and cilantro

      Good, healthy and most of all cheap. All it costs you is your time. You have to skim off the fat, so I just strain it and place the whole pan in the fridge and skim the fat the next morning.

    • #401901

      I make broth all the time off of meat and poultry bones but never thought of making vegetable broth before! thanks for the tip!

    • #401899

      Vegtable broth sounds delish!!! Thanks!!!

    • #402394

      You can also save the liquid from your canned vegetables for broth. You can freeze or refrigerate the broth for future use.

    • #405504

      just an fyi, if you add some vinager aplash or two to the bones when you are boiling them down it will pull the calcium out of the bones so now the broth is even more healthy.

    • #405505

      Also if you crack or saw the bones open you’ll get a much richer broth! that pulls all that goodness out of the middle that you won’t get if you don’t open up the bone!

    • #413016

      Wow, I wish I would have thought of that one years ago! I will definitely have to try making my own veggie broth. I’ve done beef & chicken hundreds of times, but never a vegetable broth. Thank you, Moola!

      (I was just going to click on the “thanks” button, but I didn’t see it!)

    • #413133

      WARNING USING CANNED VEGGIE LIQUID: there is tons of salt in canned veggies, unless you are using the salt free

      HOWEVER: any left over veggie, including whatever sauce etc you used can go into a zip for later use in soups

      FRZ or FRESH BROC: Have you noticed how much stems are in a bag? cut off the long stems chop them up and place in zip bag. — add to this bag left over broc from cooking, a little chopped onion (not a lot) — If using fresh broc cut and peel the stems, chop and stick in bag

      ALMOST FREE ‘CREAM’ of BROC: My kids were allergic to milk, so this really isn’t a cream of anything but looks like it. In boiling water, toss in cut up potatoes, go ahead and leave on skins (*if you have a food mill it’ll take care of them), if you don’t have a mill – skin them (loses nutrition), when the potatoes are about half done toss in the froz broc and bits of onion .. Once they are both cooked soft (its the only time broc is cooked soft in my house ), pull out and put through the food mill (you can use a blender or food processor too, just add more of the cooking liquid) .. This usually comes out a pale green (actually pretty looking) .. Add more cooking stock, ham if you want, continue to cook. I usually add a bit of black and red pepper to bump flavors. If you have smoked paprika its nice addition too. Add fresh broc pieces for accent just before serving (*also good with cooked bacon pieces on top)


    • #413116

      Wow I can’t believe I have never ever thought of this !!!! This is like the best idea EVER !!! I am sooo excited about it LOL !!!

    • #413181

      :038:Great tips! I’ll have to try them. Thanks!

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Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Left Over Layering Home made broth… for free…. and super easy…