Hi from the Blue Grass area of Kentucky

Board Rules & Regs Welcome Newbie! Newbie Intro’s Hi from the Blue Grass area of Kentucky

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    • #266845

      Good Morning everyone,

      I just started on this site and think it is the greatest. I have sent away for several freebies and hope to get some of them soon. Like so many of you have said in other posts that with the times the way that they are every little bit helps.

      My hubsand and I moved here to Lancaster about 2 1/2 years ago and I stay at home. We lived in the Cocoa Beach area for 15 years but I am glad to be back to my roots. Missed the change of seasons and the winter snow.

      I plan on visiting this site very day and checking out the recepies as much as possible and posting as many as I can because I love to bake. If anyone has any good sugarfree cookie recepies please let me know as my hubby is diabetic and loves his cookies.

      Again, you guys ROCK!!!:048::048::061:

    • #403975

      flickertail26, welcome to the site. Have to say though you wont have to remind your self to hop on this site :), it is very addictive, you will have to remind yourself to take a break from the site LOL. Look forward to seeing your future posts.

    • #403982

      flickertail26 Hi,
      Alot of friendly people here. Looking forward to your postings. My DH is diabetic and loves his cookies too.

      I’ll have to dig some of my recipes out and maybe we can share some good ones. I’ll be doing this in the coming weeks. I love to bake also — one of the best smells is something baking in the oven.

      See you around the site. Enjoy..

    • #404071

      Kim, Thanks for the reply, How is sd? i used to live in nd. bismarck.

      very cold there. cold here but not that cold. i plan on taking a cake decorating class at hobby lobby in january with my neighbor.

      really looking forward to doing that.

      joann, thank you for your reply as well. i am really looking forward to exchanging some really good recipes too! it’s hard to find some tastey cookies for diabetics.

      most taste bland. you guys take care and i’ll definately be seeing you on the site.

    • #404082
      Margaret K

      Welcome! You will love it here, probably to much! Everybody is so friendly & helpful.

      Again, welcome.

    • #404165

      Welcome to the group. Glad to have you

    • #404172


      Welcome aboard!! Alot of helpful friends here so if you ever need anything all you have to do is hollar!!!

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Board Rules & Regs Welcome Newbie! Newbie Intro’s Hi from the Blue Grass area of Kentucky