hershey kiss mice valentine craft idea materials:
- materials needed to make a pair of mice:
- 1/4 yard of 1/2 inch pink gross grain ribbon
- 1 sheet pink felt
- 4 shaky eyes
- 4 hershey’s kisses brand chocolates per pair of mice
- glue (low heat gun, non-toxic craft glue, glue stick or confectioners’ glue)
- scissors
1. Create tails by cutting 2″ lengths of pink gross grain ribbons, pinch one end of the ribbon in half and glue to point of one chocolate.
2. Cut the ears out of the pink felt and glue the base of the heart shape to the top of the flat side of one chocolate, leaving the two curved shapes extending over the edge to form the ears.
3. Glue both chocolates together flat end to flat end with felt ears nesting in between.
4. Complete by gluing on the jiggly eyes.
Completed craft is for decorative purposes only. Candy used in craft should not be eaten.
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