help with cats

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    • #267040

      i have 2 cats and have gotten rid of one already because i know for a fact that she was peeing on stuff but right now i have another one thats peeing on our clothes clean and dirty how do i get rid of the smell i want tried and true help because i have tried the apple vinegar and it doesnt work at all im in desprate help and i have pee on the carpet as well
      please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • #404500

      I am not sure, but check out these links from the wikihow website, I use this for alot of differant information. Good luck.

      Cats – how to articles from wikiHow many subcategories

      House Training Cats – how to articles from wikiHow I saw a few articals in here for your issue.

    • #404507

      My cat was doing that too. The bathtub, the rugs, the laundry baskets everwhere! I ended up buying some Hartz “Stay Off training spray” about $5.00 for a spray can in the pet aisle at Wal-Mart (little pricey but it really worked) it has a stinky smell for a little while (like 30 minutes), but she only uses the litter now. I also had to change the litter brand. To get rid of the smells I had to clean the carpets and used a lot of citrus smelling cleaning products on the tub and laundry baskets.

    • #404553

      Add baking soda to your wash and you may need to double wash it. Buy a new litter box. Often cats will stop using theirs once the urine smell seeps into the plastic.

    • #404559

      they will also do this if they are mad about something. have you gotten a new pet or something that is taking your attention off of them? They get jealous sometimes just like children. As far as the smell, I am not sure I would try cleaning the carpets etc.

    • #404515

      I have had the same problem… and I hated to but had to re home them to someone who had a lots of land, so they could be indoor/outdoor cats with out getting ran over.

      Nothing, that I have tried, read or heard will REALLY take the smell of cat pee out of things. You can cover it up for a little bit with strong smelling things but then you just have whatever you sprayed + cat pee smell floating around.

      We had to cut up and replace parts of our carpet from the cats peeing in one spot(s). I’m sorry I haven’t been of much help. Maybe a vet can prescribe you something… Getting a new littler box was a great idea… I have heard that also.

    • #404761

      we had this problem with our boy cat munchskin.. i ended up washing EVERYTHING with lemon juice.. the whole house smelled like lemon juice but i love the smell of lemons. any citrus fruit will work. lemon, orange, lime, i got the bottled lemon juice and just used it straight from the bottle and i got lemon laundry soap and used lemon essential oil on a wash cloth in the dry. he stopped peeing on everything after it all smelled like lemon.

    • #405517
      Janice Terrell

      When I had a cat and there were “accidents” I sprinkled baking sode directly on the spot, let it sit overnight then vac. it up the next morning. I also changed litter and put a layer of baking soda under the litter. Cleaning the carpet doesn’t help much – the urine soaks thru the carpet the pad all the way to the floor. Cleaning just gets the spot wet again. There is a product out now “Urine-B-Gone”. It is pricey but it does work pretty well. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

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