hi im from nebraska and heard about this website from a friend checked it out and joined right away i love all the ideas on here.
im a sahm of 5.:101: a 7yrold boy a set of twin boys that are 4 and a set of boy girl twins that just turned 1 so im always looking for deals and ways of stretching the dollar.
thanks for this great website :038:
Welcome to the best site on the net….jump on in…you will meet some of the friendliest bunch of people and you will learn alot too!!! I look forward to reading your posts!!
We are so glad to have you here the more people we can get in here sharing their money stretching tips the more money we all save !!! Welcome, Welcome, Welcome !!!!
Welcome and hope you enjoy yourself here. As you see there are alot of friendly and helpful people here. Have any questions, just ask someone will be glad to help.
Enjoy yourself here–Look forward to seeing you and your post.