head lice help fast please

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List head lice help fast please

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    • #260479

      We had very good luck with Tea Tree oil. It wasn’t without picking out all the nits tho!
      I bought cheap dollar store shampoo and conditioner. Then bought a bottle of tea tree oil from WalMart (about $5).

      Mix about 1/4 bottle of oil into the shampoo (28 oz). I also put several capfuls into the conditioner. This seems to keep the little buggers at away once you get your daughter’s hair picked through.

      I use it every day, and when possible let it stay in hair for 30 minutes before washing.
      Good luck!
      (but only 10+ kids at home now)

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List head lice help fast please