Hawaiian Wedding Cake
1 box yellow cake mix, see note
1 (5.9-ounce) box instant vanilla pudding
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
21/2 cups milk
1 (20-ounce) can crushed pineapple, drained (we put the pineapple in a colander for about 20 minutes)
About 3/4 cup flaked coconut
8 ounces whipped topping
About 1/2 to 3/4 cup chopped nuts
About 1 cup Maraschino cherries, sliced
Prepare cake mix according to package directions. Pour batter into a 10-by-15-inch (jelly roll) lightly greased pan. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until tested done.
Allow cake to cool.
Mix pudding with milk; beat in cream cheese, then spread on cooled cake. Sprinkle on coconut. Spoon on pineapple; spread on whipped topping.
Place cherries over whipped topping — sprinkle nuts over whipped topping.
Note: We couldn’t find a yellow cake mix with pudding that was called for in this recipe, so we substituted an ordinary yellow cake mix and was pleased with the results.
Note: We feel that the amounts of nuts, cherries and coconut can be varied according to taste without drastically changing this recipe.
Hawaiian Wedding Cake
2 cups sifted flour
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup nuts, crushed
1 cup flaked coconut
1 (20-ounce) can crushed pineapple, undrained
Sift together flour, sugar and baking soda. Add remaining
ingredients. Combine well, but do not beat.
Turn batter into a greased and floured 13-by-9-inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes or until tested done.
Spread topping on warm cake.
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
Beat together all ingredients, combining well.