my daughter has a hampster. stinky little devil it is!! i have been
buying the recycled type of bedding for his cage. he has 2 cages
connected together. one small one and one med. size one.
i only use
the bedding in the med size one. (food and toys go in the small one)
so here is my question. is there something that i can use other than
buying bedding. ie. i shred papers, could i use them.
also, after
about 5 days, he (his cage) starts stinking again. is there something
i need to add or take away from his diet that would help. i feed him
the boxed store bought hampster food. or is there a secret someone
would be willing to let me in on that i could add to his cage to
counter act the smell. it seems he uses the bathroom where there is no
bedding to absorb the liquid.
just need some advice on the stinky little critter. he is way too cute
to get rid of and my daughter loves him.