Halloween costume

Holidays & Special Occasions Halloween Halloween costume

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    • #240286

      Here is an idea for the 3 year old. Around Halloween, I believe McDonalds
      still gives out their happy meals in those little Halloween buckets. What I
      did was take a big box and cut holes in it for the arms and head.

      I cut the
      bottom out. Then I painted it silver and adorned it all to look like a
      robot. Then I took the McDonalds bucket, covered it with tin foil and used
      black marker to make a design on it.

      Instant robot! I did this because it
      was always so cold at Halloween and I didn’t want my son out in those skimpy
      costumes. So he was able to wear some really warm black sweats under the

      “I wonder if losing your mind would show up on the scale as a loss?”

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Holidays & Special Occasions Halloween Halloween costume