Halloween costume

Holidays & Special Occasions Halloween Halloween costume

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    • #240282

      My best friend is very clever she has been a bunch of Grapes ( green or red) and
      a marshmallow. Grapes was a green body suit or ( sweats) with purple or green
      balloons pined all over the outside of it and a little felt hat, Marshmallow was
      a large over sized white track suit stuffed with batting with Stay puff printed
      on front ( custom printer cost like 5 bucks) and I was a pumpkin one year. I got
      a huge Pumpkin yard bag, the kind that come out around Halloween inverted it cut
      the bottom open tapped the top w/ dual sided tape leaving room for my head, I
      wore green tights and made a little felt hat……Viola 🙂

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Holidays & Special Occasions Halloween Halloween costume