Growing Fruits, Veggies, Herbs In My Apartment?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Growing Fruits, Veggies, Herbs In My Apartment?

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    • #270356

      Hi ladies! I’ve been wanting to try growing some things of my own, but I don’t know where to start. I live in an apartment.

      I have a pretty long bar area between my kitchen & dining room. Also, I have a small patio outside that I could use. Could anyone give me any ideas.

      I live in PA, so right now its not good for growing things outside, but I don’t know which things I could grow, when, etc. Could anyone give me some help? Thanks so much!

    • #413916

      I’ve read multiple times on this site Green onions grow wonderfully. So when I tried it, Boy did they ever grow! They grow noticeably quick at that so if you like seeing progress they’re great.

      They’re probably one of the easiest plants I’ve ever grown.

    • #413929

      @Tarrien 106286 wrote:

      I’ve read multiple times on this site Green onions grow wonderfully. So when I tried it, Boy did they ever grow! They grow noticeably quick at that so if you like seeing progress they’re great.

      They’re probably one of the easiest plants I’ve ever grown.

      wow, i didnt know that!
      where do you start with that?

    • #413987

      I have lived in the city all my life. When I was in a small apartment I use to grow tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, etc. in containers.

      Just big pots situated around the apartment where they would get the most sun. It worked fine for me. If you have cats you may want to put a little pepper on the soil so they wont dig 🙂

    • #413994


      With you having a small patio, try checking out the growing bags that they have on the market also. For when the weather gets nicer. Also here on the site:
      Container Growing
      (posted 08-09-2007, By BiggerPiggyBank)
      I have also seen where the actual bags of soil werre laid on the ground
      and the tops slashed and the plants were set out directly into the bags
      of soil.

      I suppsoe you might also need to poke some holes in the bottom
      side that was on the ground for some drainage. Just thought I’d share
      the idea.

      Jamie, has a really good idea also. The last few years I also used conatainers. But this year I’ll have a few raised beds in the yard-A new project for me, with the raised beds..
      If you are in the mood to start a little in door garden now I’d start with herbs..

    • #414761

      I also live in a ground level apartment. I asked my landlord if I could plant a garden outside. He said fine, dig up what you need, keep it neat, do not let anything Grow up the building (pole beans), and no sunflowers.

      That was it. I live in MN, so I plant tomatoes, peas, peppers, cucumbers, stawberries (in a container, heard they spread), lettuce did well, carrots, cantelope and watermelon (sm versions) and green onions as well.

      I live 1/2 underground so growing anything inside is almost impossible (no direct sunlight).

    • #414771

      strawberries definitely spread, they get these odd little vines that stem out new plants…

      with the green onion I grow I cut a green onion down from the store to alittle past the white part then put it in soil. Then it starts to grow and grow. I chopped mine down again and its still growing strong and coming right back.

    • #415056

      I have herbs sitting in my kitchen window. You can always put pots of herbs near your windows, no reason they have to stay in the kitchen. If you don’t have room for pots or if you have a small balcony/patio, they sell those hanging pots that you can hang from a nail or a railing.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Growing Fruits, Veggies, Herbs In My Apartment?