Goodwill shopping

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    • #269545

      If you have a Goodwill store near you now would be the time to start browsing it whenever you get a chance. Many merchants will donate prior to taking their inventory.Although not nearly as plentyful as last year, there are new items hitting the stores now. While I was there today I saw quite a few clothes with store tags attached (unfortunately nothing in my size), but I did get a Christmas gift(musical snow globe) for next year (new) and a new lampshade.

    • #410304

      I bought a beautiful wedding dress there for $30 for a play. I’m also using it if I were to ever get married.

      Goodwill is awesome.

    • #410307

      I bought my wedding dress at a second-hand store also and paid $25.00 for it. I just had to pay a few more dollars to have it altered. It turned out beautiful.

    • #410311

      This thrift store is great, When I go into the ones around here I always find new items too –The family is starting to pick up on the idea too. Has any notice within the last year that the prices have gone up here. Jeans are now $7 here.

    • #410318

      The prices here are higher also. I love Goodwill I find a lot of nice things when I go. My husband loves going to look at the books. He usually comes out with a handful and for only a couple bucks!

    • #410342

      Gotta love that store….I love going every chance I get. It’s not to often I get to go, but I do love it when I can.

    • #410343

      All of our stores are higher as well even the consignment shops. When I found a pair of jeans at Target earlier this week for $8 I went ahead and bought them because used are the same price anymore.

    • #410368

      I quit shopping at GoodWill and most Thrift Stores in the area after they discovered the Internet searches and started setting their prices with the higher prices they found there.

      Yes they made more money for their organization and its projects, but it got to be unrealistic when people quit buying. One very nice Thrift store near me went out of business completely. Everyone loses.

    • #410373

      But as long as you have the time to go searching, you can still find those great finds.. I like the book area also..And the craft materials they have at times (yarns are a great buy here)..

    • #410378

      a girlfriend and i make a day of going to the goodwill store 50 miles from here. the last time we went, in the begining of dec., i spent $250.00 and have a whole new wardrobe for myself and 7 pair of new jeans and lots of fleese for hubby! for me its like a treasure hunt! friends at work laugh at me as i call goodwill, “my mall”, lol!

    • #410383

      @atta76 101895 wrote:

      All of our stores are higher as well even the consignment shops. When I found a pair of jeans at Target earlier this week for $8 I went ahead and bought them because used are the same price anymore.

      I have to say that the consignment store in my area does things alittle different. The prices are fair, but just have to watch them closely to make sure you are getting a good deal. The lady that runs it has come up with a great idea of letting those of us that do crafts have 100% of the profit of our craft items. She feels that it well help the crafters, with the economy being so bad and all. I thought it was really nice of her to do this, so of course I’m taking her up on the offer. (She came to me to do this) But I do agree with you on watching the prices, I have noticed that you can get somethings cheaper brand new. Just know your prices and be smart about it. I think that thrift stores can be very good on the wallet if you are very careful about shopping at them. I’ve gotten myself a whole wardrobe before at them, it can really make your day. Take your time and look over the items carefully.

    • #410390

      i love goodwill. i go there and get really cheap records, 20 for $1. i also get clothes for the rugrat and hubbie. i got 6 shirts, 6 pairs of pants, and 3 shoes, and of course a few toys for the rugrat for about 6 dollars. my friends laugh at me sometimes because i’d rather go to goodwill than some other stores.

    • #410391
      Margaret K

      I go to thrift stores & look for sewing patterns. The older slacks & shirt patterns fit me so much better than the new ones. Plus the prices can’t be beat!

    • #410394

      Prices have gone up here also, it’s been 7 for jeans for awhile now, they are also increasing prices on the household items like like grills, toasters. etc. you do have to be careful. One thing that helps me is that all items are marked with different color stickers or tags. On sunday they reduce a certain colored tag to half price through the following Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat. it goes on $1.00 sale (clothes only) Picked up 4 tops for $4 yesterday.
      My daughter who likes name brands (but can’t afford them) goes there every few weeks as well as a consignment store and has put together a very nice business wardrobe that didn’t break the bank.

      By the way, my Goodwill also does senior discounts (excludes special tag and $1 items) it’s 10%off every day, 20% off on Tuesdays and they also have a card that you get stamped every time you spend $10 or more in a single trip. When the card is full you get to use it for 25%off on any one trip of reg purchases.
      Ask, yours may offer the same thing.

    • #410415

      About the only thing we buy new are jeans & shoes. My teen girls are picky and I tell them to get what they feel good in. they refuse to spend more than $30 a pair though and watch for sales. they are great at finding stuff at the thrift stores and remaking it into something they really want. One made a dress that was to die for and every one wanted to know where she got it- She told them this part came from the 20 cent store and this part from Salvation Army and this part was a big find at the county shelter store. total spent for 3 items was 78 cents and someone offered her $50 to buy what she created out right! We love Thrift stores!

    • #410438

      Our Goodwill has once a month “dollar days” were all cloths are a dollar. 🙂

    • #410440

      another thrift store i go to has something like that.. it’s called value village. certain color tags are 50% and 75% off.. and i believe it’s the 3rd weds of every month, everything is 75% off.

    • #410458

      I actually have to go to goodwill and donate a couple clothes. My mom sent me some shorts that just don’t fit and some pajamas that aren’t my style. I’m sure someone else would find them more wearable than I would.

    • #410490

      Have you thought about returning the items to the store your Mother got them from ? And getting something you like. Or maybe taking your items to a local consignment store.

    • #410499

      about once a month my husband and i love to go thrift store shopping. we have several we like to hit. We find all kinds of things and enjoy the treasure hunting together.

    • #410509

      @JoAnn 102113 wrote:

      Have you thought about returning the items to the store your Mother got them from ? And getting something you like. Or maybe taking your items to a local consignment store.

      We don’t have the store where I live- She still lives in Wisconsin while I live in Texas. What’s a consignment store?

    • #410543

      i went to goodwill yesterday and got 4 pairs of jeans for 2 dollars. i loved it.

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