Goodbye to Your Sleepless Nights

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Goodbye to Your Sleepless Nights

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    • #318023

      I have been suffering from sleepless nights and feels like a never-ending battle with a tireless enemy. I am not at all comfortable at night which affects on my routine life activities. The main reason behind it is having discomfort with my bed, from there I started surfing online for ultimate bedding and then I met with fancy bedding with good reviews online.

      But as we know all online reviews are not genuine so I would like to have your valuable suggestions regarding this.

      Thanks In Advance

    • #439396

      @leezacooper 291505 wrote:

      I have been suffering from sleepless nights and feels like a never-ending battle with a tireless enemy. I am not at all comfortable at night which affects on my routine life activities. The main reason behind it is having discomfort with my bed, from there I started surfing online for ultimate bedding and then I met with fancy bedding with good reviews online.

      But as we know all online reviews are not genuine so I would like to have your valuable suggestions regarding this.

      Thanks In Advance

      I have a select comfort pillowtop bed and the wife & I each have our own settings and our own remote controls. We’ve had our bed for 16 years and it’s well worth the initial investment. Good luck to you!

    • #439398

      i totally recommend rescue remedy homeopathic sleep aid. it’s not addictive or habit forming, completely all natural and works really great. i use it a few times a week to help me ignore my roommates snoring, haha.

      of course, being in college i really dont have a choice in what kind of bed i buy- the dorm comes prestocked.

      you can get it on amazon pretty cheap and it lasts quite a while.

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    • #439409
    • #439419

      New bed, totally helps. Exercise, somewhat helps. Started essential oils to help, still deciding about those.

    • #439426

      We just bought a tempurpedic firm bed and that was the trick for us.showered with love

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Goodbye to Your Sleepless Nights