Good Safety Info to Know

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    • #272952

      the recent tragedy of a young woman being kidnapped and eventually killed;after she had repeatedly given the kidnapper a wrong pin to her atm card.

      if she knew the method below, she could have been saved. so i think it is important enough to let you know.

      here you go.
      if you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an atm machine, you can notify the police by entering your pin # in reverse (for example if your pin number is 1234 then you would put in 4321). the atm recognizes that your pin number is backwards from the atm card you placed in the machine. the machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to the robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you.

      this information was recently broadcasted on fox tv and it states that it is seldom used because people don’t know it exists. please pass this along.

      you can go on snopes to verify

    • #420608

      That is very good infomation to know!
      thank you!
      it’s pretty bad when we have to pull up th an atm
      with locked doors!!!

    • #420609
      Janice Terrell

      Very good info to know. I wonder how many people out there actually knew this AND why isn’t it common knowledge? Seems like it ought to be.

    • #420631

      This is false unfortunately. Here is a link to it on snopes: Reverse PIN Panic Code

    • #420633

      unfortunately it is false .. it didn’t make sense to me because that would mean that the banks etc would only have the possibility of half the numbers availiable .. so i checked

      snopes has the details at: reverse pin panic code

      this article has history and bill info

      this idea has been tried to be pushed through but has not made it through unless so watered down its not done .. i do think its a good idea and something we should talk to our senators and congressmen to push through ..

      i think in the times coming that violence will increase and having some safety guidelines in place would help


    • #420636

      It is to bad that this isn’t in affect. This would be a great system to push forward to save innocent lives.

    • #420637

      Bummer, I guess I should have checked. I assumed it was correct. sorry

    • #420648

      This has been circulating on the internet for several years (I know I received in emails three or four years ago)–unfortunately, it is FALSE!
      I have heard that the machines eat the cards after three wrong pin entries, and I have also heard that the account is locked after three wrong entries requiring you to go to the bank and sign a form to get it unlocked. I do not know if either are correct.
      I do know that some people have a hard time remembering their pin on a good day and that it is harder to remember it when you are having a bad day. It would be nearly impossible for me (probably most people) to remember it and enter it backwards under the stress in this situation.
      Thanks; Virginia

    • #420672


      I don’t assume very much–but I know for sure, and have to admit that I have had a dumb attack a few years ago and this situation happened to me

      that the machines eat the cards after three wrong pin entries

      . and yes at the bank that i do my banking

      the account is locked after three wrong entries requiring you to go to the bank and sign a form to get it unlocked.

      and i was told that the banks in the area do have this set (locking) as a precaution.

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