Gluten free diet

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    • #343048

      I recently started a Gluten-free diet. So many foods are naturally gluten-free that it’s not too hard but if I do want bread or pasta it is so expensive! I’m living on SS so it is a problem.

      Anyone have suggestions?

    • #455619

      I feel your pain! I live with my daughter and her family, and she has just started a gluten-free diet. As you said, it is not too difficult to find main dishes to eat, but bread, pastas, and desserts are definitely a problem.

      Gluten-free products are expensive and not very good. Gluten-free flour mixes are expensive, but offer you the opportunity to make products more like the gluten-containing ones you are used to. I’m still experimenting, too.

      I prefer to try to bake my own products, as I really don’t like the gluten free ones, especially not at the price they are! As far as I can tell, gluten free flour blends run about $5.00/lb. I’ve been buying already blended flour, as the different flours must be blended, and I don’t want a lot of flours on hand in case this doesn’t work for her.

      If it does help, then I will make my own blends, in an attempt to save some money. One thing I have liked is gluten-free Bisquick. We can use it for biscuits, pancakes, coffee cakes, and a variety of things.

      There is a website (I’ll have to look it up) of Bisquick recipes that features some using the gluten free mix. Betty Crocker also makes a gluten free flour blend, sold in a similar box, that I used by accident when making the Lemon Bars on the Betty Crocker site. Even with the mistake, they were very good, and my daughter said she would serve them to anyone and not even mention that they were gluten free.

      The crust turned out very flaky, and we all liked it. The topping in the recipe is okay, but you could use any recipe you like, as long as you check it for gluten. Good luck!!

    • #458160

      I am also gluten free. I try to skip marketed gluten free foods because of the mark up. I make sandwiches on lettuce or corn tortillas.

      When I crave bread I make it with KingArthur flour.
      I love KingArthur Flour I liked the site and now receive emails that usually have coupons or specials attached.

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