Gift Basket for the Italian Food Lover

Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice Gift Basket for the Italian Food Lover

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    • #265699

      Buy a large pasta bowl, toss in a few boxes of dry spaghetti, a jar of pasta sauce (perhaps your homemade), breadsticks, candlesticks and a tape or CD of their favorite music

    • #402318

      I have also put this in a colander. Sometimes you can get them rather inexpensively.

    • #402344

      Oooh! I’m loving these ideas! Thanks! The colander is a great idea!!! 🙂

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Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice Gift Basket for the Italian Food Lover