Frugal Fun: Snow Lantern

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    • #250524

      Frugal, Fun Project with your children

      Snow lantern

      Snow lantern is very easy to make, but it’s a very fine piece of art. It’s also practical, because it gives a good light.

      For the snow lantern you need snowballs and a candle. Snowballs are set to circular form. The lowest layer will have 8-10 snowballs.

      Rest of the balls are superimposed over them. There will be about 5 layers in all. The last layer will have only one snowball.

      Before superimposing the last layers, put a lit candle inside the snow lantern. Then put the rest of the snowballs carefully on their places and the snow lantern is ready.


      Attachment: (image/jpeg) lyhty.jpg [not stored]

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