Frugal but Lovely Wedding Gift Basket…

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Frugal but Lovely Wedding Gift Basket…

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    • #346640

      Hello, my friends were getting married and I was on a tight budget. I put together a little romantic bath poem that was included in a basket that held two candles, two glasses, a bottle of champagne and two towels. Simple, but it was the thought that counted.

      My one non-romantic friend seemed to kick the heck out of that whole scene; she said “yes, we drank the champagne, kept the glasses, used the candles & towels later”. She never mentioned the poem, and I have since lost it, which is unfortunate, as everyone else thought it was just right.

      Ah well. I did the same later for other couples’ wedding gifts and they said they loved the whole thing. In any case, it certainly was about them & not me!

      Just wanted them to enjoy honeymoon times.

    • #458722

      That sounds like a beautiful basket, I’ll bet they adored it! To the friend that didn’t seem very enthused.. some people just don’t understand the simple pleasures in life, I don’t know how exactly, but hey, it was a very lovely gift!

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Frugal but Lovely Wedding Gift Basket…