Cooled cupcake (baked from your favorite recipe)
White icing
Large marshmallows
Waxed paper
Pretzel sticks
Decorators’ gel
Orange slice candy
Junior Mints
Thin Mints
Fruit leather
1. Frost a cooled cupcake (baked from your favorite recipe) with white icing.
2. Flatten a large marshmallow on waxed paper with the palm of your hand. Cut a second marshmallow in half horizontally, then stack the halves on the first marshmallow to form a torso and head.
3. Push a thin pretzel stick down through the snowman (this will help him stand up), then set him on the cupcake.
4. Use decorators’ gel to create a mouth, eyes, and buttons, then add pretzel stick arms and a wedge cut from an orange slice candy for a nose.
5. Accessorize with a candy hat (a Junior Mint secured to a Thin Mint with icing) and a fruit leather scarf.