You qualify if you Ever Bought Potatoes between October 14, 2004 and April 10, 2015 in one of the following States: AZ, CA, FL, IA, KS, MA, MI, MN, NV, NY, NC, TN, VT, WI
In this lawsuit, Plaintiffs allege that, beginning in 2004, Defendants and others engaged in a conspiracy to fix, raise, maintain and/or stabilize the prices at which potatoes were sold in the United States by controlling and restricting the supply of potatoes. Plaintiffs claimed that Defendants and others implemented this price-fixing and supply-management conspiracy by agreeing to take several coordinated actions including, among other methods, 1) agreeing to limit the number of acres planted to potatoes; 2) agreeing to destroy existing Fresh Potato stocks or divert Fresh Potatoes into processing; 3) and agreeing to limit the flow of Fresh Potatoes into the fresh market to stabilize or raise potato prices. Plaintiffs claim that Defendants’ actions violated the Sherman Antitrust Act, a federal law that prohibits any agreement that unreasonably restrains competition. Defendants have denied all of Plaintiffs’ claims and have asserted other defenses.
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