Freezing Fresh Herbs

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    • #320148

      I was reading an article on and they recommended using Olive Oil instead of water when freezing in ice cube trays. Does Olive Oil even freeze? What do you think?

      I would think water is the best, what if you dish does not call for Oil?

      I want to freeze some Cilantro this year, for Salsa in the winter. How do you freeze in bulk quantities, not ice cube size?

      If I dig up a couple of outdoor plants and bring them indoors, will they grow year round? Also Parsley, Basil & Mint.

      I have tried growing Chives indoors, but they never live long.

    • #440430
      Melissa Burnell

      Olive oil does freeze well, it solidifies into a funky chunk. I’ve done herbs in olive oil, some in coconut oil, and some in water. The ones in the oil take on a deeper flavor of the herbs, more like an infusion whereas the ones in water (which evaporates away during cooking) seem much more mild in flavor.

      My herbs never seem to last more than a few months so we plant them in cycles now and leave them in a small windowbox throughout the fall and winter months.

      Cilantro freezes well, just vacuum seal the washed herbs and lightly chop them before bagging them. They’re going to be very wilted when you take them out to use them, but they’ll still have good flavor.

    • #440441

      We just started growning herbs this year and have so much to learn. Thank u both for the comments, was a big help 🙂

    • #454273

      I’ve tried bringing herbs in for the winter but haven’t had much luck. Are there any special tips you can give me?

    • #455756
      Jennifer Green

      I made the mistake of putting my EVOO in the fridge once and it turned nearly solid. On that alone, I would say it freezes very well. lol

      I have had issues growing herbs as well, so will be looking forward to tips on keeping them alive. I do well with other garden plants, just herbs and strawberries I seem to kill. =(

    • #455774

      Thank you. I was curious as to the flavor difference. I will definitely use evoo from now on!

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