Freebie Essentials & Helpful Tips

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Freebie Essentials & Helpful Tips

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    • #272111

      I found this and thought it might be helpful to some of the NEWBIES. :025:

      Does anyone else have any HELPFUL TIPS to add?

      I can think of the following:

      1) Never apply for the same freebie twice using the same email address, it may knock you off their list. Some freebies you can request several items if you use differant email addresses, some you cannot because they record your IP address and will only allow 1 per PC.

      Guide to Making the Life of a Freebie Junkie Easier

      There are three essential resources and tools that will make your requesting freebies faster and more efficient. Follow these simple steps and you will be on your way to the wonderful world of freebies and have your mail box overflowing in no time.

      Warning: Following these instructions may cause you to feel the need to purchase a larger mail box to hold all of your stuff! That isn’t free and I haven’t found an offer for a free mail box yet, so you’ve been warned…lol!

      First: Get an Email Address Just for Freebies.

      Free email services are nothing new but it’s a good idea to get a separate account just for your freebies. Free email addresses are available through Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail, IncrediMail, in addition to the many other smaller players. Always use this email address when completing forms for free offers.

      Here are links to some of the free email service providers:

      Yahoo! Email: Yahoo!
      Hotmail: Sign In
      Google GMail:

      Second: Get a Free Phone Number, Voice Mail & Fax.

      You don’t want to start getting unsolicited phone calls to your personal numbers from signing up for freebies, but some offers do require you to list your phone number. Forget about the “Rejection Hotline” and all the other fake numbers you have heard about using. This is the real thing and you’re going to love using it.

      Get a Free Phone Number and Voice Mail at and receive your voicemail messages and faxes via email seconds after they are left on the K7 server! K7 also hosts your voicemail and faxes so you also have the option of listening to your voicemail and viewing your faxes right from K7’s web site. The convenience of receiving all your messages in one location can be yours.

      With K7 Unified Messaging, you are assigned a personal phone number that serves as your voicemail box and fax number. You give the number to your friends, family and business associates. They in turn leave you voice messages and send you faxes that K7 will forward to your e-mail address as attachments which can be accessed along with your regular e-mail messages.

      Sign Up Here!
      K7 Unified Messaging, free Fax and voicemail to email.

      Third: Use RoboForm to Enter Information.

      Forms will usually ask for your name, address, telephone number and email address along with other personal information such as your date of birth. Some will also want you to sign up with them to receive newsletters or other future promotions and request a user name and password. It gets repetitive to enter the same information for different freebies not to mention time consuming. RoboForm completely automates password entering and form filling so that you don’t have to, and does not contain any adware or spyware. Using it, I can very often spend just 5 or 10 seconds on a freebie page, and the next thing I know, it’s “in the mail”. I have it set to automatically fill out my name, address, phone number, freebie email address, date of birth, user name and password.

      RoboForm was named PC Magazine “Editor’s Choice” and CNET’s “Software of the Year” and is the top-rated Password Manager and Web Form Filler you can find. You can download the Free version of RoboForm or purchase the professional version, which offers more features such as unlimited passcards, free updates, toll-free technical support and more.

      Download Free RoboForm or purchase RoboForm Pro here:
      Automated Password Manager & Form Filler

      Some Final Notes:

      Never, ever, ever, say you heard about a free offer from a freebie site. Tell them a friend told you, or you did a search, something.

      Free offers sometimes go quick so when you find an offer, don’t procrastinate! Sign up for it right away.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Freebie Essentials & Helpful Tips