When you submit this information request form, a map of Canada’s Heartland (the Canadian Fishing Map) will be mailed to the address indicated and if you have provided an email address you will be subscribed to our email newsletter on a trial basis. If you decide you do not wish to receive our newsletter you may opt out of it from the first or any issue you receive in the future.
You will also receive additional information on Canadian Vacation opportunities from the members of our Association who feel they have the type of vacation you may be looking for. You will receive this information both by email and postal service on a one time basis. If you do not wish to receive additional information and/or not subscribe to our newsletter on a trial basis, do not submit this form, instead call 1-800-465-7101 and indicate you want only the map to be sent to you.
ontario canada’s great outdoor – free canadian fishing map – request a canadian fishing map