Most are 14 days supply, click on link to view program details & Antibiotics list.
giant eagle® is committed to making health care more affordable, saving you money, and helping to improve your health and well-being — so we’re introducing a free antibiotics program, just in time for the back-to-school season!
meijer pharmacy – click on “free antibiotics” tab – the program covers leading, oral generic antibiotics with a special focus on the prescriptions most often filled for children.
stop & shop – as part of our health and wellness initiative, and to help you cope with rising healthcare costs, we’re offering select free antibiotics.
schnucks pharmacies – our free prescription drug program for generic oral antibiotics includes up to a
21-day supply, as well as prescribed refills.
publix pharmacy – is offering a free prescription drug program for certain oral antibiotics, regardless of the customer’s prescription insurance provider.
Wegmans – has become the latest supermarket to offer customers free generic antibiotic prescriptions during the winter cold and flu season.
(Too bad none of these are in my area :sad:)