For "tightwad" eyes only lol

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List For "tightwad" eyes only lol

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    • #276249

      I must share this with yall – this is one of the few place where this information will be much appreciated. i am a book junkie (library and amazon “used” books, of course) since the recession hit its stride i thought this was a perfect time to brush up on any and every money saving skill that i had not yet discovered. in my search for more savings i ran across a book title that i knew i had to have.

      “the complete tightwad gazette”. although it was published in 1998, which, acording to some of my children is “so last century”, it is still full of interesting and helpful ideas on how to cut expenses, recycle, save money, do it yourself ideas etc. And, amazingly , so many ideas that i myself had never heard of before – which of course, are my favorite!

      im guessing alot of yall have already found this treasure, but, just in case ya havent, the info is listed below. i bought my copy from amazon, lovingly used and dog-eared, and i enjoyed every page! :041::041:

      The Complete Tightwad Gazette – By: Amy Dacyczyn

    • #424866

      I bought these a long time ago as individual books. I read all three every year! Thanks for the post!

      It really is a good read for us tightwad folks 🙂

    • #424876

      Could not agree with you more 😉 Just wish I had found the book sooner 🙂
      Better late than never ….

    • #425334

      I loved the Tightwad Gazette books too. They are full of info! I also thought ‘America’s Cheapest Family” was great too.

      It made us very serious about budgeting. We have saved so much just by knowing how much we are spending.

    • #425342

      I love those books, I own 2 and didn’t know there was a third. Thanks for sharing!

    • #426275

      I went to my library and found 2 of the books (I & iii) but they didn’t have book ii. it made for some very educational reading. it was also fun to find that there are cheaper people than me in the world!


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List For "tightwad" eyes only lol